Naomi Pieczulewski

At Cornell, Naomi works in multiple enginnering departments to develop high-power electronics. She is often spotted in Duffield hall studying structural and electronic stability of ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor materials using scanning tranmission electron microscopy (STEM). Outside of studies, Naomi plays tennis with the Reserve team and leads LATTICE, the Materials Science and Engineering Graduate student association.
Naomi grew up in both San Jose, California and Kyoto, Japan. She tries to return to Japan yearly to visit family and indulge in great food. Naomi recieved her Bachelors in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) and Integrated Science from Northwestern University. At Northwestern, she led MakerGirl, a non-profit focused on science and engineering education in elementary and middle school girls through 3D printing.
Naomi is excited to join the Bethe community this year and share her love of baking, watching shows and playing tennis!