Alexander Hayes

Prof. Hayes and his group specialize in the geological and physical processes that shape planetary surface and atmospheres, including the identification and characterization of potentially habitable environments across the solar system. Alex’s flight project experience includes Cassini, MER, MSL, Mars2020, and Europa Clipper. He has also worked on instrument design and characterization for several Missile Defense Agency Programs. He earned a M.Eng in Applied Physics from Cornell University and a Ph.D. in Planetary Science from the California Institute of Technology.
Recently, he has focused on studying the coupling of surface, subsurface, and atmospheric processes on Titan, Mars, and Comet 67/P Churyumov Gerasimenko. Titan is the only planetary body, besides Earth, that supports standing bodies of liquid on its surface. Hayes uses the Cassini RADAR to study and model surface morphologies on icy satellites, including the distribution and evolution of Titan’s hydrocarbon lakes and seas.